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I want you to be completely satisfied with your experience. Please follow these prep and aftercare guidelines to ensure you get the best wax ever!


Preparing for your wax appointment


  • Your hair should be at least ¼ up to ¾ of an inch in length for the wax to adhere properly. This length is approximately 2-3 weeks of growth.

  • For hair longer than ¾ of an inch in length, please trim prior to your wax appointment.

  • Do not get waxed immediately following hot tubs, saunas, hot baths, or sun tanning.

  • Sunburned skin can NOT be waxed.

  • A pain reliever/anti-inflammatory may be taken 30 minutes prior to your appointment.

  • Make sure the area that is going to be waxed is clean and exfoliated.

  • Save alcohol or caffeine for after your wax service. Stimulants in the system can cause your skin to be extra sensitive.

  • The question I am asked most often is if it is ok to get a Brazilian wax while you are on your period. Yes, it's totally fine! No need to reschedule.

Caring for your freshly waxed skin


  • Remember, the first time is always the worst time! Regular waxing will reduce discomfort as well as hair growth.

  • Do NOT shave between services. For the best long term results, stay consistent with services every 4-5 weeks.

  • Avoid hot baths/showers, hot tubs, pools, beaches and exercise for 24 hours after waxing.

  • It’s important to avoid intimate contact for 24 hours after your Brazilian or bikini wax appointment.

  • Begin exfoliating 48 hours after your wax appointment and continue exfoliating 1-2 times a week to help prevent ingrown hair.

  • Avoid sun exposure and tanning beds for 24 hours following your wax session. Please ALWAYS remember to wear sunscreen!

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